School uniform at Montrose PS is compulsory. The wearing of school uniform creates a feeling of belonging to the school and conveys to the community a sense of pride and unity in the school.
Uniform Shop
Beleza is our school uniform supplier. They are located at 4/216 Dorset Road in Boronia. Opening hours are 10am to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 10am to 1pm on Saturday.
All uniform items are available for purchase on Beleza's online store 24/7 at
All uniform items can be exchanged within 4 weeks of purchase if it is brand new with all price tags attached. This must be presented with the proof of purchase.
Royal blue windcheater with tangerine logo, royal blue zip up polar fleece jacket with tangerine logo, royal blue hooded windcheater with tangerine logo, Grade 6 hooded windcheater.
Royal blue/black polo shirt with tangerine piping and logo.
White or black skivvy only to be worn under the winter tunic.
Checked dresses (royal blue and white check with a fine tangerine stripe and piped collar) in school format and winter tunic (royal blue, navy blue and white) in school format and skorts (black).
Netball Skirts
Students may wear a black pleated netball skirt with black bike shorts under.
Plain black pants or leggings – no active wear, stripes, patterns, cut outs, prints or obvious logos. Rugby style, cargo, bootleg, skorts and track pants available from uniform shop.
White, blue or black short socks. Black tights or leggings.
Royal blue broad brimmed hat with tangerine logo or tangerine bucket hat with royal blue logo. (To be worn in SunSmart Terms 1 & 4).
Sensible closed toe shoes with socks. (Thongs/sandals are not acceptable)
Watches and small earrings are permitted.
For the purposes of safety and the management of head lice we ask that all students with hair longer than shoulder length have it neatly tied back with bands in school uniform colours.
Make Up
Make up is not necessary and not permitted.
Length of Clothing
Any shorts/skirts/dresses need to be at least down to mid-thigh so that all activities can be undertaken in an appropriate manner.
All students are expected to wear near and clean school uniform. If a student is unable to wear correct uniform the teacher should be notified and the matter resolved as quickly as possible.
- Should any parent have a religious, medical or other reason for exemption from any part of this uniform, please discuss with the Principal.
© Copyright Montrose Primary School