Child Safe

Montrose Primary School is a Child Safe School

The Department of Education has directed all schools to address what it has named Child Safe procedures and policies. As a school, most of these have been implicit in how we operate each and every day. Following the release of the Betrayal of Trust report and the presentation of Ministerial Order 870 schools are required to state these explicitly within policies and procedures.


What does that mean for you?
As a parent you should read and make yourself aware of the intent and contents of the Montrose Primary School Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct. These documents are discussed by staff, reviewed annually (ratified by School Council) and are a part of our daily practice and procedures.


Child Safe Documents:

Child Safe Policy

Code of Conduct

Mandatory Reporting Policy

Working with Children Check Policy

Four Critical Actions For Schools (Responding to Incidents, Disclosures and Suspicions of Child Abuse)

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