
Learning today is ‘anytime’ and ‘anywhere’ and as our students have constant access to learning beyond the four walls of the classroom, at Montrose Primary School we value an Integrated Inquiry approach to support our students to navigate learning beyond the core curriculum. Our approach to inquiry is about what our learners do and involves the development and connection between various learner assets and dispositions (Critical and Creative Thinking, Resilience, Collaboration, Communication, Research and Contributing) as well as skills that enable them to thrive in the ever-changing world.


Key questions frame our cycles of inquiry as we recognise that motivation and interest are genuinely activated when students are curious about a concept or when there is a problem to solve. We use the inquiry cycle from Kath Murdoch which is designed to support and enhance student centered learning by promoting curiosity, critical thinking and deeper understanding, provides common language for teachers and students and a framework for learning that can be applied to all learning not just in the classroom. Students activate their prior knowledge and wonderings through the ‘Tuning in’ phase, followed by the ‘Finding Out’ and ‘Sorting Out’ where they are exposed to, and process new information through shared experiences. Teachers gradually release responsibility to students as they ‘Go Further’, where their learning is more personalised and they are supported to resolve their own wonderings beyond the classes key questions. Students then ‘Take Action’, which is an essential component of Inquiry. Following their own personal inquiry cycle, students apply their learning to real world situations, making decisions about how they can implement solutions to problems, share their learning, advocate for groups and or engage with communities.

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