School Captains
At the end of Grade 5, students are invited to apply for the role of School Captain. After reading the applications and interviewing students, four are chosen as School Captains for the following school year. The School Captains are the student leaders of the school and are positive role models for their peers. School Captains take a central role at weekly assemblies, presenting the G.E.M. Awards (Gratitude, Empathy & Kindness, Mindfulness).
House Captains
Grade 6 students are selected as House Captains. The four houses are Emery (red), Crellin (blue), Heinze (green) and Melba (yellow). The houses are named after people that played an important role in the Montrose community. Mr Frank Emery was our school crossing supervisor for many years and involved in the local football club, Mr Williams Crellin was our first Head Teacher, Kevin Heinze was a celebrity gardener who lived in Montrose, and Melba is named after the one and only Dame Nellie Melba.
House Captains are responsible for the tallying of house points at the end of every week, they organise the sports borrowing at the beginning and end of every recesss and lunch time. House Captains also have a prominent role during whole school spoorting events throughout the year.
YCDI Leaders
4 YCDI captains are selected from our Grade 6 cohort. Their role is to encourage other students, support the running of the program and brainstorm ideas with teaching staff, to better integrate the YCDI program into the daily running of our classroom programs, at a whole school level. Each week, the leaders meet with the YCDI co-ordinator and discuss the awards for the week. They deliver a weekly speech at assembly, where they highlight the term’s Key for Success and hand out the awards.
Make a Difference (MAD) Team
A small group of Grade 6 students form the 'MAD Team'. These students, led by Mrs Fisher, serve a morning tea to disabled adults at the Montrose Church of Christ. Students spend the day before the morning tea, cooking and preparing the food. This occurs once per term and is an excellent opportunity for our students to make a difference in the wider Montrose community.
Well-Being Leaders
Our Well-being Leaders in each grade run regular Class Meetings where students can discuss any worries and as a class these can be problem solved. The meetings also celebrate successes through the use of our compliments box. Each term the Well-being Leaders meet to share their meeting details with the Principal, the centralising of this information is very powerful in putting in place supports and keeping the school community informed of well-being matters across the whole school. An occasional report at assembly from Well-being Leaders allows for communication and celebration of our successes.
Classroom Inspiration Leaders are responsible for organising the room's compost and recycling bins. They also ensure that doors are closed to keep the heat/cool in, split systems are set to an appropriate temperature and lights are switched off when they leave the classroom. Inspirations keep a daily tally of students who have 'nude food' and they have the opportunity to speak at assembly to award prizes to classes with the highest number of nude food.
Junior School Council
Two students in each Grade 3-6 class are elected as members of Junior School Council by their peers. The role of the JSC is to run one fundraiser per term for a chosen charity. Throughout the year the Junior School Councillors are given responsibility and opportunities to develop their leadership skills through attendance at JSC meetings and speaking at assembly. Two Grade 6 students are chosen as the JSC Leaders who have a central role when engaging with the wider community. Click here for more information.
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