Physical Education

All students at Montrose Primary School participate in 50mins of Physical Education (P.E.) and 50mins of Sport per week. The P.E. program provides students with opportunities to be physically active, develop fundamental motor and movement skills and apply these skills into structured games. They further participate in an intensive Swimming Program which includes a House Swimming Carnival (bi-annual) as well as units covering Gymnastics, Athletics and Fitness.


The Sport program begins in Prep with the Perceptual Motor Program (P.M.P) focusing on the development of cognitive, social and gross motor skills. In Grade’s 1 and 2 students participate in a ‘Sport Skills’ program which is based on a weekly rotational system with students in multi-grade groups. During Grade 3 and 4 students further develop their game sense, teamwork and explore roles including umpiring, scoring and managing during the ‘Intra-school sport’ competition.


The skills built from Prep culminate with students participating in Inter-school Sport in Grade 5 and 6. Students compete against 7 other schools in the Montrose district in a range of sports throughout the year including a District Athletics Carnival. Individuals also participate in the Hoop Time basketball competition, are able to be selected in the school Cross Country team and play at the State Netball and Hockey Centre at the State Netball Championships.


The overall focus of the P.E. and Sport program is to provide children with opportunities for success, build confidence to be physically active, learn the importance of good sportsmanship and the value of being a team player. Most importantly it is to have fun and enjoy being active.


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