Our dedicated STEM specialist program provides students with weekly hands-on opportunities to question, predict, plan and conduct experiments, record, process and analyse data as well as communicate scientifically. All key science inquiry skills that support the development of student’s scientific understandings.
Core science concepts of Biological, Chemical, Physical and Earth and Space Sciences underpin our programs delivered as students build their understanding using a CBL (Challenged Based Learning) or PBL (Problem Based Learning) approach with a strong emphasis on learning how science impacts their lives today.
The early year's program focuses primarily on development of science inquiry skills through guided experimentation and investigation. Students from Prep – Grade 2 explore what ‘Hidden Within’ our school gardens, investigate how light and sound are produced as the basics of how computers work and computer programming.
Middle year's students continue to build upon their science inquiry skills through experiments and investigation with a greater emphasis placed on analysing data through the design thinking aspects of PBL. Utilising their scientific understandings to design, construct and evaluate prototypes, students construct catapults when investigating force, elastic powered cars and boats and games that use magnetic force.
In the senior years, students work in cooperative groups develop both their teamwork and design thinking skills, discovering key science concepts as they navigate challenges. Through Challenged and Problem Based Learning, students use their knowledge of the body to design robotic claws, apply the laws of motion to develop electric circuits driven cars as well as design earthquake resistant buildings and solve laser maze problems involving angles of reflection.
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